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Food Industry

As smart as you want

Our wide-ranging network of international clients forms the base for your exploring the field. We anticipate, where and when demand and challenging vacancies are imminent. And we sense, when a technical professional is ready for new adventure. At Helixons you get the oppurtunity to connect with ambitious projects.

Food Industry


Machine: A set of mechanisms consisting of various mechanical parts in order to convert any type of energy into another energy, to do a work or to create an effect by using a certain power is called a machine.

While a person can travel 5 km per hour on foot, a car can travel 100 km in an hour. Therefore, the car as a system increases human power.

Partnership Oriented

Success Through Cooperation

When looking for flexible staff for your company, you want a partner who knows the industry. We recognize experienced candidates for every position. If you want, we can recruit, select, place and assist even in-house. This way we become a true extension of your HR department and take all the work out of you. We currently operate in the oil and gas, machinery, marine and offshore industries.

What can we do to help boost your performance of technology?